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Docker information

Updating Docker Compose images:

  1. sudo docker compose down
  2. sudo docker compose pull
  3. sudo docker compose up -d If you forget -d then you cannot run Docker detached which causes you not being able to logout. Just donĀ“t forget -d.

Updating Docker image with the Docker CLI

  1. docker pull IMAGENAME:TAG
  2. docker stop CONTAINER-NAME
  3. docker rm CONTAINER-NAME
  4. docker run -d --restart=always -p PORT:PORT -v path/to/app/data -name CONTAINER-NAME IMAGE

When inspecting the Docker run command you notice similarities with a Docker Compose file:
- -d -> detached mode
- --restart=always -> is the restart policy
- -p -> stands for the ports needs to be used external and internal
- -v -> this stands for volume to set Docker volumes
- -name -> is the name of the servive
- IMAGE -> this is the last part where you define which image you are going to use