Ollama & Open Web-UI
With the latest AI innovations and Deepseek it has become easier to run AI-models on less powerfull hardware.
I decided to give it a spin on my own desktop with deepseek-r1:14b, because the mini-PC I use for self hosting does not have a dedicated GPU.
The route I have taken is to install Ollama and Open WEbUI without using Docker instead I used the install script from Ollama and Python to run Open WebUI.
Installing Ollama
- Download and install Ollama
curl -fsSL https://ollama.com/install.sh | sh
(The Linux way)
If you run another OS you can check the download page to install Ollama. - Install your desired model(s)
ollama run MODEL
You can find a list of available models on Ollama
Bash script to start Ollama in the terminal
With the script below you can start Ollama and select your desired model.
while true; do
# Get the list of installed models at each iteration
installed_models=$(ollama list | awk '{print $1}')
# Display available models and prompt for input
clear && echo "
$(date) - Choose a model to run with Ollama -
The following models are installed:
You can type 'exit' at any time to quit.
read -p "Please select the name of the model you want to use: " MODEL_NAME
# Trim any surrounding whitespace from the input
MODEL_NAME=$(echo "$MODEL_NAME" | xargs)
# Check if the user wants to exit
if [ "$MODEL_NAME" == "exit" ]; then
echo -e "\nExiting..."
exit 0
# Validate the entered model exists
if ! echo "$installed_models" | grep -q "^$MODEL_NAME\$"; then
echo -e "\nError: The model '$MODEL_NAME' does not exist."
sleep 2 # Wait for 2 seconds before clearing the screen
# Start Ollama with the selected model and prompt to run again or exit
echo -e "\nStarting Ollama with $MODEL_NAME..."
ollama run "$MODEL_NAME"
while true; do
read -p "Would you like to run another model? (y/n) " yn
case $yn in
[Yy] ) break ;;
[Nn] ) exit 0 ;;
* ) echo "Please enter y or n." ;;
Locally run open-webui
- Make sure you have Python 3.11 installed:
ls /usr/bin/python3*
- If not, install Python 3.11
sudo dnf install pyhton3.11
(Fedora) orsudo apt install python3.11
(Debian/Ubuntu) - Create a virtual Python environment
python3.11 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
(windows) - Install Open WebUI (This step takes a while)
pip install open-webui
- Start the Open WebUI server
open-webui serve
You can also use screen to run Open WebUI in a detached manner.
- Start the screen session
screen -S open-webui
- Create a virtual Python environment
python3.11 -m venv venv
- Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
(windows) - Run the command
open-webui serve
- Press CTRL+a, then d to detach the screen
- Make sure the screen is still running
screen -ls
Now you can start using Open WebUI by inserting one of the following addresses localhost:8080
You can also use Docker to run this stack, but I choose to run it without Docker, because I otherwise have no access to my GPU.